Monday, June 4, 2012

Propeller PR

Tough start to the week with a straight 14-hour day and no lunchbreak. but an interesting respite half-way, MC-ing a press conference for Propeller who landed this morning (and were surprisingly chipper considering). Propeller are an all-male, exclusively Shakespearian theatre company, founded by Edward Hall - son of Sir Peter. They're doing a double act - Henry V and The Winter's Tale - both in Beijing and Shanghai. A lot of the questions were of the "Why only men?" persuasion (that was how it was done in Shakespeare's day was one answer but there were others). Robert Hands, who plays the lead role in The Winter's Tale, had a funny anecdote from when he played Helena in Midsummer Night's Dream. His (her) "I am as ugly as a bear..." speech met with an "I agree" from a little girl in the front row. 
Looking forward to seeing them do their stuff.

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